The new book from UBC Press, Capturing Hill 70: Canada's Forgotten Battle of the First World War is edited by Douglas Delaney and Serge Durflinger. It features separate chapters from the editors themselves, as well as from Nikolas Gardner, Mark Osborne Humphries, Tim Cook, Andrew Iarocci, Robert Engen, Robert T. Foley, and Jack Granatstein.
In the Times Colonist, David Obee writes "Capturing Hill 70 is a collection of essays that brings together contributions from seven noted writers as well as from the two editors. Each writer has taken a different angle, and the approach works."
Read Obee's piece here.
On Radio Canada, Mark Montgomery interviewed one of the editors Serge Durflinger, a Professor of History at the University of Ottawa. He writes: "Hill 70 is finally being recognized for the significant role it played in the war, and for the astounding victory of Canadian soldiers who became recognized as among the best of the Allied forces during the war."
Below is a video of Serge Durflinger, reading from a diary entry of Canadian soldier Arthur Lapointe at Hill 70.
In the Ottawa Citizen, Peter Robb writes a review of Capturing Hill 70. The book, he writes, "dissects the battle from top to bottom and all the way across." Read that piece here.
John Robson writes in the National Post, about Canadian tactics having been employed again after Vimy Ridge "with dramatic effect at Hill 70 in August, a largely diversionary attack to draw off German troops from Passchendaele and pin down potential reinforcements. And it worked superbly. Gen. Arthur Currie, who was commanding the Canadian corps, did a wonderful job planning the battle in detail. But to praise him is not to overlook the determination, courage, and imaginative improvisation of ordinary soldiers who we remember not only because they succeeded, but because they fought so valiantly for such a worthwhile cause."
Read Robson's piece here.
Thanks to all for featuring the book, and our story!