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15-25 August 1917
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Maps are an essential tool for the military planner. For the attack on Hill 70, General Currie and his staff required accurate up-to-date maps. These would be vital not only for planning the attack, but also to plot enemy positions behind the lines so to be ready to direct artillery fire onto German counter-attacks, a vital objective of the battle for Hill 70.

Aerial Map

Aerial Map

The introduction of aircraft in WWI resulted in the development of aerial mapping, which ... more
Creeping Barrage

Creeping Barrage

First used at the Battle of the Somme, a creeping barrage involved artillery fire moving forward in stages just ahead ... more
Trench Map

Trench Map

The positions of trenches, both German and Canadian, were superimposed on topographical maps for ... more
Hill 70 Map

Hill 70 Map

This map shows the various elements of the Canadian Corps as they advanced from their lines on August 15th ... more
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